Parking in Bermondsey – CPZ ‘G’ Review Public Consultation
We would like to share this public notice available on Southwark London Borough Council Consultation Hub regarding the public consultation for the Control Parking Zone ‘G’ (Bermondsey)
We would like your views on suggested changes to the controlled parking zone on your road
In 2018 we asked you if would like us to make any changes to the Bermondsey CPZ ‘G’
As part of this survey we sent out a total of 9,517 surveys and received a 4% response rate. 65% of those who responded wanted the current parking restrictions to be amended with 61% stating that they struggle to park on a Saturday. We would now like to know in detail the changes that you would like us to make.
We know, from the original survey and changes in the area such as residential developments and an increase in bars and restaurants, that parking stress has increased and we would like to know what changes you would make.
If we receive a majority in favour of amending the operating times and hours of Zone ‘G’ we will put forward a recommended amendment to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and the Climate Emergency to make a final decision.
In addition to potential changes to the operating hours of the controlled parking zone we would also like to know if residents and businesses in the Shad Thames area would like their own separate zone. This would mean that permit holders in this area would have their own permits and would only be able to park in that area.
This decision would then be subject to statutory consultation.
What are the pros and cons of extending the operating hours of my parking zone?
- Parking on your street will be prioritised for residents, their visitors and businesses for longer and at the weekend;
- The removal of parking in the evening and at the weekend would leave space available for street improvements such as places to rest and cycle parking.
- Increased operational hours would decrease the amount of time you can park without permits which may mean you would need to purchase more visitors’ permits.
- There may be some parking displacement to nearby parking zones from those who would normally use Zone ‘G’ for evening and weekend parking.
If we were able to reduce the amount of vehicles parked in the area, we could consider introducing a variety of street improvements as detailed below:
- More and varied cycle parking
- Places to rest (single chairs with arm rests) for the elderly, children and people with disabilities.
- Planted screen (e.g. Ivy) to capture particulate matter pollution.
- ‘Parklets’ – communal seating and planting in car parking spaces, provided on a trial basis.
Consultation drop in sessions
- 29 Jul 2019 at 6pm to 8pm
- 30 Jul 2019 at at 6pm to 8pm