Crime Prevention Drop In – 25th October
Southwark Safe Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) in partnership with Blue Bermondsey BID will be holding a Crime Prevention Drop In – allowing the business community to discuss the safety and security issues that affect them. There will be an opportunity to ask the local policing team questions and gain crime prevention advice from partner agencies:
Southwark Safe manages the digital radio scheme in the area which allows businesses to share real time intelligence with Southwark Council CCTV and patrolling MPS Officers.
The London Digital Security Centre is a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation founded by the Mayor of London as a joint venture with The Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police, established to help protect businesses, primarily micro to medium sized, to operate in a secure digital environment.
Blue Bermondsey BID will be distributing Free Selecta DNA bike marking kits to staff of member businesses on the day.
Wednesday 25th October 2017 – 12.00 – 2.00pm
The Meeting Room
The Biscuit Factory
Drummond Road
SE16 4DG
You can drop in anytime between 12.00 – 2.00pm, but we would be grateful if businesses could confirm their attendance by contacting the organisers using the emails below:
Anas Wihaib – Southwark Safe BCRP Manager: anas.wihaib@saferlondon.co.uk
Russell Dryden – The Blue Bermondsey BID Manager: russell@thebluebermondsey.co.uk
Posted in BID News