Business Rates Revaluation – Southwark Council
Dear Southwark business owner, We know the government’s revaluation of business rates this year is a concern for many Southwark businesses. For some it will add to the already high costs of doing business in central London. We want to help you prepare for the changes in the 2017/18 business rates and have your questions answered. To help you do this, we have set out on our website key facts about the changes and how they will affect your bill. If you have any concerns, or would simply appreciate a clear guide to the revaluation, please take time to go through the information provided about the changes that are on the way. We want Southwark to flourish as a place to start and grow a business. For any other question you may have on doing business in Southwark and the support available for small businesses there is a range of information and support available at www.southwark.gov.uk/business Business rates are set by central government and the council will see no financial benefit from the increase in rates collected in Southwark this year. But, over the next few years, more of the business rates collected locally will be spent locally, replacing traditional forms for council funding, and helping us deliver good quality local services like clean streets and safe communities. It is crucial therefore that we continue to support and nurture businesses like yours, and attract more businesses into Southwark. Successful businesses are at the heart of a strong local economy and a strong borough. ‘A partnership for local growth’, our plan for improving economic wellbeing shows how we will work with individual businesses and partners like the Southwark Business Forum, Chamber of Commerce and BIDs to make Southwark a growth borough where business thrives and prospers. I look forward to working with you to make Southwark an even better place for your business, your employees and your customers. Thank you for your commitment to our borough, and if there is anything we can help you with, please let me know. Kind regards, Cllr Johnson Situ, Cabinet Member for Business, Culture and Social Regeneration |