Blue Bermondsey BID AGM 2019
Following the yes vote at Blue Bermondsey BID renewal ballot in July, the new BID term will begin on 1st October 2019 and will run until 31st March 2024. The result endorses the work we have done over past five years and thanks to the support of our member businesses Blue Bermondsey BID will continue to be at the forefront of many important and exciting projects that bring real benefits to the area and its businesses. Together we have proven that the collective voice of local business is a powerful one that does make a difference and is capable of achieving much more.
The 2019 Blue Bermondsey BID AGM will be held on 30th September 2019 at 6.00pm, Bridge Café in the Biscuit Factory. Member Businesses are invited to come along to find out more about our plans for the new BID term.
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