Blue Bermondsey AGM 2017
If you are a Blue Bermondsey business member you are welcome to attend:
Blue Bermondsey BID
2017 AGM
Which will be held on:
Tuesday 20th June 2017
at 5.30pm.
We are pleased to be hosting the event at the newly opened:
Shortwave Café, Block G
Biscuit Factory
Clements Road
London, SE16 4DG
The AGM will provide a chance meet local businesses, make valuable contacts and to raise any questions you may have about how we will be investing the BID levy income on your behalf, give your input on our future plans and have your say on what we are getting right and what we could do better to improve our services.
We hope that you will be able to attend
Please take a few minutes to look at some of the existing and proposed activities of Blue Bermondsey.