BID Update 06-08-2014
The Blue Bermondsey BID is now a reality and will become operational in October 2014. We will be re-branding with a new look and a new website soon.
We are looking for local companies to be part of the re-branding and help with designing the new logo for the BID and anyone interested in being on board please contact russell@thebluebermondsey.co.uk.
An interim board will be established to get the BID up and running and at our first AGM any BID member can stand to be elected to the board.
In the meantime we are working with the Council in finalising the baseline and operating agreements as well as working on incorporating the BID company as a legal entity.
We will be holding a pre BID get together at Duns Deli in September. date TBC where we hope local businesses will come along and find out more about the BID and how they can be involved.
Posted in BID News