The Voice of Local Business
Blue Bermondsey BID was founded by a small group of passionate local business owners in 2014, who were dismayed at the decline in the area and wanted to do something about it.
The origins of Blue Bermondsey BID began in 2004, when a small group of business owners, centred around the Blue Market and shops began campaigning on behalf of local business. Their pioneering efforts led to funding for Market place to get a makeover and small community events being held in the Blue.
In 2008 the group formally constituted as the Blue Bermondsey Business Association (BBBA) with Russell Dryden and Jack Shah at the helm. The BBBA took a more pro-active role on many initiatives, most notably securing substantial funding for improvements to the High Street and leading the steering group to guide the project. This resulted in some improvements to the Blue Market, shop front makeovers and working with the Council to bring more flexibility to parking with loading bays, and crucially the iconic Bermondsey Lion monument that now symbolises the Blue.
Following this first major milestone, the BBBA began to broaden its work and networking activities, which led to awareness of Business Improvement Districts (BID’s) and the development of a ‘BID for the Blue’. Three years of extensive business consultation and engagement followed and in November 2012 a BID steering group was established to produce draft proposals.
In January 2013 a feasibility study was conducted with local businesses, which demonstrated positive support for the proposals, and in May 2013 the results and relevant data were presented to the relative authorities and approved. In May 2014 our BID proposal was circulated to eligible businesses, followed by the official ballot papers which asked a simple yes or no to the proposals. On the 4th July 2014 Blue Bermondsey BID was elected for its first five-year term.
After many years of research and development on the feasibility of a ‘BID for the Blue’, proposals were put to a ballot of businesses in July 2014, and received a majority yes vote. In October of that year, after forming a board to oversee operations, Blue Bermondsey began on the first tentative steps of its mission to bring about positive change for the local business community.
In October 2019 we began a second term after a successful renewal ballot and strengthened our position as the collective voice for local business, and a prominent local stakeholder organisation. Through the work of Blue Bermondsey, the local business community had clearly proven that we can develop, and deliver projects and services, that are contributing positively to making the Blue an even better place.
We have levered in substantial external funding to support our work, most notably securing £2m from the GLA Good Growth Fund for the ‘Made In Bermondsey’ regeneration project, centred on the rejuvenation of the Market Place.
In November 2023 our proposals for a third term of operation were successful at renewal ballot and we will continue to serve our business members, encourage further investment to supplement our work, and lead on a coherent long term vision and strategy to facilitate more prosperity of our businesses.
– We are owned and led by BID-member businesses in Blue Bermondsey
– Our members are eligible to join the board or one of our project groups
– We are a not-for-profit company, as enshrined in our articles of association
– We deliver services that are in addition to services provided by the Council
– We are financially transparent, publishing annual reports and running AGM’s for our members
– We supplement levy income with additional funding from external sources.
– We will communicate and engage with members and adapt to changing needs.
– We recognise that we exist as part of a wider community
– We place importance on engaging with the community, including residents and local stakeholders
– Governance of a BID is ultimately regulated by the Business Improvement District (BID) Regulations (2004)
– We have an agreements with Southwark Council to ensure our services are additional to theirs.
The Blue Bermondsey board is made up of BID levy paying businesses who volunteer their time to work with the BID manager to oversee the development and delivery of services and initiatives.
Name | Business |
Jack Shah – Chair | Blu 1 |
Alex Smith | Alex & Matteo |
Lesley Hutchins | Robert Guy Services |
Luds van den Belt | Big Local Works |
Anood Al-Samerai | Community Southwark |
Jackie Bygrave | Blue Youth Centre |
Jake Farey | Bermondsey Social Club |
Simon Bell | Bell & Sons Butchers |
Ben Davies | Blue Bermondsey Manager |
- Blue Bermondsey Financial Report – 26.09.2014 – 31.03.2016
- Blue Bermondsey Financial Report – 01.04.2016 – 31.03.2017
- Blue Bermondsey Financial Report – 01.04.2017 – 31.03.2018
- Blue Bermondsey Financial Report – 01.04.2018 – 31.03.2019
- Blue Bermondsey Financial Report – 01.04.2019 – 31.03.2020
- Blue Bermondsey Financial Report – 01.04.2020 – 31.03.2021
- Blue Bermondsey Financial Report – 01.04.2021 – 31.03.2022
- Blue Bermondsey Financial Report – 01.04.2022 – 31.03.2023
If you are a levy paying business and would like to find out more about our work or get involved