Businesses premises within the Blue Bermondsey BID area with a rateable value of £7,500 or above are eligible for the BID levy.
The BID levy is set at 1.25% per year of the premises rateable value.
Premises occupied by registered charities or schools receive a reduction 50%.
The levy for empty premises will be charged to the ratepayer.
An invoice is issued annually in March by Southwark Council, who collect payments our behalf.
All levy paying businesses are eligible to get involved in the governance of Blue Bermondsey BID.
There are several ways to pay the BID levy. For all payment methods, you will need to quote your 8 digit BID account reference number which is shown on the front of your invoice.
BACS and CHAPS or online banking
London Borough of Southwark
Bank account no: 65619587
Sort code: 51-50-03
Standing Order
London Borough of Southwark
Bank account no: 65619587
Sort code: 51-50-03
By Phone
Please call 020 7525 3168 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).
Please Note – Southwark Council business rates bank details are not the same as BID levy bank details, so please ensure you quote the bank details shown above.
In line with national legislation (BID Regulations Act 2004 and Local Government Act 2003) and BID Levy Rules, we are legally bound to collect the levy, and if your business is experiencing financial difficulties please get in touch so that we can implement a payment option that works for you.
If you are vacating your business premises you can receive a refund. To do this you will need to create a My Southwark account to access the refund application form and will need your 8 digit BID account reference number, which is shown on the front of your invoice. Once the form has been submitted you will receive refund by bank transfer within seven days.
If you have any queries about your BID levy invoice, reminder notices that have been issued or would like a copy of this year’s bill, the easiest way is registering for an online My Southwark account.
If registering for the first time you will need to enter your business name, postcode of the property address and the first 7 digits of your account number.
If you prefer to contact the Southwark Council BID team, use the same reference details as above and send your email to
The Blue Bermondsey BID area