10 questions chat with Russell, the fishmonger
It’s difficult to talk when customers are waiting for their fresh fish on the stall, therefore we arranged to meet Russell Dryden on his ‘fish’ day off at Star Cafe Express.
Unknown to some, Russell is also the director of the Blue Bermondsey BID while running the popular fishmonger stall in The Blue Market. We asked Russell to take a short break from the BID paperwork for our quick chat. Let’s start the timer.
What is your business called?
The Fish Stall
What does your business do?
I sell fresh fish and seafood in The Blue Market
How long has your business been in The Blue?
I started trading in The Blue in 1986
How many people do you employ?
Just me
What do you like about your job?
Being in the fresh air and meeting lots of different people
What is your most popular product or service?
You can´t go wrong with a bit of smoked haddock
What is the best thing about the Blue?
Its local feel and intimacy, it’s like a village
Has any celebrity popped in?
Quite a few but I have to keep it close to my chest
What’s your advice for entrepreneurs?
Get up early in the morning
Finally, Is Blue your favourite colour?
About the fish stall
You can find Russell at his fish stall on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
The Fish Stall, The Blue Market, Market Place, Bermondsey, London SE16 3QU
Are you a local business in The Blue? Would you like to take our 10 questions chat. Get in touch!
Posted in BID News